Saturday, January 18, 2020

Red Hatters at Friendship Tea House for Tea Luncheon

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Twelve members of the New Mexico Roadrunner Chapter in Alamogordo, New Mexico gathered at the Friendship Tea House for a lovely tea luncheon. We were actually Barb's first customers when she opened the tea house in January 2018. Barb Frick and her husband Bob make a great team in their kitchen and everything is freshly made and served that day.

As you will discover looking at the pictures below, this is truly a beautiful setting for a tea. We thoroughly enjoyed every moment, celebrating two birthdays for Vice Queen Alice Evans and Margie Purcella by kazooing Happy Birthday and presenting gifts. There was plenty of time for visiting and enjoying each other's company.

Just a shot to show how lovely everything looks
Proprietress Barb Frick relating the menu for the day
L to R: Kimberly Gugliotta, Rosanna Heath, Nancy Long and Jean Courtier
L to R: Dorothy Edwards, Margie Purcella, Florence Dean and VQ Alice Evans
L to R: Kimberly, Rosanna, Bob pouring tea and Nancy looking on
Our newest member Pink Hatter Shelly Carns
Shelly with our other Pink Hatter Alice Cuevas
Carmen Veenpere
L to R: Kimberly, Rosanna, Nancy, Shelly, Alice C., Carmen, Carla Kerr, Dorothy, Margie, Florence, Alice E. and Jean. (Thanks to Barb Frick for taking this picture.)
L to R: Dorothy, Margie, Florence and Alice E. in deep conversations
Vice Queen Alice E. modeling her new hat
This is the room to reserve for children's birthday tea parties
Corner decor
Samples of hats to wear for tea and more decor
Another lovely setting
Tea cup and saucer collection display
Entrance to the Friendship Tea House
On bench L to R: VQ Alice E., Dorothy, Florence and Carla. Back L to R: Carmen, Jean, Nancy, Kimberly, Rosanna, Margie, Shelly and Alice C.
Thanks to Barb for taking the last picture of all of us on her front porch. I heard many nice comments about their experience at this event and the tasty food as well. Thanks to Kimberly for pictures taken around the interior of the tea house. Thanks to Doug Kerr for processing the pictures for my blog. Next month we are going to Carmen's house to play games and eat pizza co-hosted by Jean Courtier.

This is all I have to say for now.

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