Saturday, June 22, 2019

Red Hatters Attend Luncheon at Peppers in Alamogordo, New Mexico

Saturday, June 15, 2019

Ten Red Hat members of the New Mexico Roadrunner Chapter of Alamogordo, New Mexico and one guest attended lunch at Pepper's Restaurant on Saturday, June 15, 2019.

Flo brought her house guest, Ann from Texas and she seemed to enjoy being among the group. This was one of our quieter events of late and it was great FUN just visiting and getting caught up with each others lives outside of Red Hatting.

When lunch was over, our hosts, Gail Swineford and Trudy Reese, brought out their favorite dice game called Left-Right-Center and we each placed four quarters on the table and there is one small plate in the center of the table. You roll three dice and if you get an "L" you pass a quarter to your left, and/or, an "R" you pass a quarter to your right and/or a "C" you place a quarter in the center in the plate. Also on the dice are small zeros and they don't count for anything. If you throw one, two or three zeros, you don't lose your quarters. You keep playing until one person is the only one with a quarter or quarters left and they win the quarters in the plate in the center of the table. Flo Dean was the big winner this day.

The group enjoying lunch

Flo Dean with her Texas friend Ann
Rosanna Heath
Kim Gugliotta (Queen Curvey) and Trudy Reese
Dorothy Edwards and Karen Townsend
Nancy Brooks and Gail Swineford (Royal Scribble)
Carla Kerr (Queen Ladybird) and Flo
Flo - She's the winner of all the quarters
Thanks to Gail for taking the picture of me with Flo and to my husband, Doug for processing the pictures for the blog.

This is all I have to say for now.