Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Red Hat Luncheon, Book Signing, Opal's Husband

Wednesday, March 30, 2011
I've been busier than a one-armed paper hanger since we last communicated as you will see.

March 23, 2011, a large group from Wild West Women of Weatherford Red Hat Chapter gathered at The Olive Garden in Weatherford, Texas for a scrumptious lunch while visiting and getting acquainted with four prospective members.
Everyone was really decked out in their red hat finery and it made for some excellent photos. It's not easy getting good photos of Red Hatters because they are having so much fun talking and gesturing that you just have to ask them to freeze in place for the picture to work.
I think we have a beautiful group of ladies in our chapter and they are just as nice as they are pretty.

March 26, 2011 I held a book signing at The Copper Pumpkin, 1713 Bethel Road in Weatherford, Texas. The book, "The Cherokee Advantage", is my memoir of surviving in an extremely dysfunctional family and finally, at sixteen, being reunited with my Cherokee grandparents after being kidnapped from them by my misguided mother when I was four years old.
One lady, who bought three books made an interesting statement. Her sons are half Cherokee and were born in Oklahoma as was I. She said, "I don't think your degree of Indian blood matters because I'm convinced that it's your state of mind regarding your Indian heritage that matters most."
Darlene, owner of The Copper Pumpkin, had everything set up beautifully and served punch and cookies. She laughingly remarked about said cookies, "I stayed up all night baking these!"
By the way, "The Cherokee Advantage" may be ordered directly from or from, if you want an autographed copy. I write under my maiden name, C. C. Crittenden.

Thanks to my dear husband, Doug, for being my photographer, as usual.

On March 27, 2011 Doug and I along with our friend, Barbara Farley, enjoyed lunch at the Whistle Hill Cafe in Weatherford, Texas after which we drove to Theater Off The Square (TOTS) to see "Opal's Husband" written by John Patrick and capably directed by Kay Huse.
This is a comedy and Joyce Eckstein, who plays the role of Opal Kronkie, gives an excellent performance as do the rest of the cast. Jerry Hall as Captain Mooney is a riot too. You really need to make time in your life to go see this play.

Play dates left are April 1 and 2 at 8:00 p.m. and Sunday, April 3 at 2:00 p.m. TOTS is located at 114 North Denton just off highway 180 in Weatherford.

As you can see, I got to be in "pictures" with members of the cast because my personal photographer (Doug) was there!

This is all I have to say for now.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Viva Las Vegas-Elvis Lives

Saturday, March 19, 2011
A group called "Day Trippers", members of Parker County Women's and Newcomers' Club, attended the Donny Edwards "One Night With Elvis" show at Texas Opry Theater in Weatherford, Texas.
The show was Excellent with a capital "E" and everyone appeared to be thoroughly enjoying this very professional production. Donny truly channels Elvis and if you close your eyes, you'll think you are listening to the man himself.

Also on the program was David Allen who made his tribute to Elvis in a black leather costume. He sang lesser known songs by Elvis and was fantastic. His energy level was incredible and he kept the audience completely engaged the whole time he was on. I must mention that the back-up band "Fever" is one of the best I've ever heard. Just hearing them play is a treat in itself.

Looking around the audience, there were many in attendance whom probably danced to Elvis records and songs in their younger years. The younger girls in attendance were screaming and yelling just like we did in our heyday.

This show is coming back to Weatherford on May 21, 2011 so mark your calendars and make plans. When you see it you'll surely say, "For one night, Weatherford, Texas becomes Viva Las Vegas!"

This is all I have to say for now.

Friday, March 18, 2011

PCWNC Board Meeting

Thursday, March 17, 2011
It was my turn to hostess the club board meeting in my home. I made coffee, served orange juice, cantaloupe with strawberries and cinnamon buns with green icing. Our stylish President Dottie Mills came looking as lovely as any Irish Colleen in her shamrock green ensemble in celebration of St. Patrick's Day.
Dr. Brandi Buckner officially presented the award plaque to Sue Coleman as a 2011 Woman of the Year recipient since Sue was unable to attend the tea at Chandor Gardens in Weatherford, Texas.
Did someone forget and wear their house socks to the meeting? Horrors!

We had a few people missing today, but Doug, our in-house photographer took a group shot of those who managed to last through the meeting. What a wonderful group of women to work with and, believe me, we accomplish an amazing amount of good works.

This is all I have to say for now.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

PCWNC Tea at Chandor Gardens

Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Mother Nature showed all her glory on Friday, March 11, 2011 when the Parker County Women's and Newcomers' Club honored members with a tea outside in Chandor Gardens in Weatherford, Texas. This was the culmination of Celebration of Women Week and the setting was perfect.
The highlight of this gathering is announcing the Woman of the Year recipient and the winner of the Marjorie Roach Award. The members vote by secret ballot for Woman of the Year and voting this year led to a tie between Sue Coleman and Carla Kerr so they gave the award to both. We were all in shock, but thankful and thrilled at being elected. Sue and Carla received plaques commemorating the event.
The PCWNC Board voted by secret ballot to give the Marjorie Roach Award to Joan Shaw, another very deserving woman. Joan received a lovely engraved crystal sculpture.
As you can see by the photos, a few hats were in view. This is certainly appropriate for a garden tea!

This is all I have to say for now.