September 9-11, 2016
The Theatre on the Hill at New Mexico State University-Alamogordo was host to local playwrights, showcasing six one-act plays as a fund raiser for the Theatre on the Hill Guild. This is the brainchild of Drama Professor Connie Breding and is her third year of directing this particular event. Due to the comedic content in this years offerings, Connie came up with the title "Funny Zone" encompassing all plays involved.
Playwrights and plays presented are Carla C. Crittenden
The Colors of Living Life; Carolyn Dittmer
My Civic Duty; Andrea Garcia
Choir Practice Catastrophe; Julia Newton
Silver Lining; Roque Rosales
Adding Oranges; and Bob Trowbridge
Full Moon at the Rest Stop.
A Silent Auction was also conducted to raise more funds for the Theatre on the Hill Guild and it was very successful as well. Thanks to Carolyn Dittmer for all of her efforts in running this Silent Auction.
AND a huge thanks to businesses in the community who contributed items for the auction.
I apologize now for not having pictures of each play, but my husband, Doug, was able to take pictures at dress rehearsal of
The Colors of Living Life which you will see below. I missed dress rehearsal due to illness so I am missing in the pictures, but am in the last photo of the cast along with members of the New Mexico Roadrunner Chapter of the Red Hat Society.
The Colors of Living Life is a play about an imaginary Red Hat chapter in New Mexico called
Red or Green Chili Peppers.
L to R: Monica Helm, Kathy Barnes, Jan Wafful, Victoria Kennedy, Keddy Richardson, Ulrike Burgheim and Angela Basurto engaging in conversation while doing adult coloring |
Discussion of Leigh Ann Parker's (Kathy) recent marriage |
L to R: Monica, Angela, Kathy and Jan as Angela shows off her "substantial" diamond engagement ring |
Everyone doing their exercise of the day led by Keddy (standing) |
Playing "Happy Birthday" with Kazoos, the official musical instrument of the Red Hat Society |
Reaction to an announcement of an upcoming event where they can exercise the official sport of Red Hatting "Shopping" |
Front Row L to R: Keddy, Ulrike, Carla Kerr, Gail Swineford, Donna Williams, Victoria. Back Row L to R: Kathy, Angela, Jan W., Monica, Jan Jennings and Trudy Reese. This was taken after the Sunday Matinee outside the Theatre on the Hill. |
All of the plays were well received and playwrights and actors were paid high compliments by attendees. It was a lot of fun and I look forward to next year when we do it again. Incidentally, the next offering at the Rohovec Theatre on the Hill is
Steel Magnolias which is already in rehearsal. You won't want to miss this one! The production dates are November 11-12 and 18-20, 2016 so mark your calendar to remind you.
Thanks to Douglas A. Kerr, Photographer for taking these pictures for us.
This is all I have to say for now.