March 3, 2013
Doug and I went on one of our longer walks up the mountain on Thunder Road and back down turning left into an alley along the desert area. As we walked along, I heard an unusual bird call and we finally spotted this beautiful blue and white colored bird. Doug was able to get a good shot of it. When we got home, he went on-line to find out its identity. Difficult to determine so he also posted the photo on his on-line photography forum and we were advised it was a Western Scrub Jay. However, we've since discovered it is one of the sub species of the Western Scrub Jay named Nevada Scrub Jay.
Nevada Scrub Jay |
March 9, 2013
Members of New Mexico Roadrunner Chapter of the Red Hat Society went on a "Road Trip" visiting pistachio farms, gift shops, wineries and even one antique store, all on Highway 70 headed north. We had a great time shopping, browsing, wine tasting and purchasing. We shopped at Charmar's Cupboard, an antique store well worth browsing through. I bought a lovely cup and saucer set. Then it was on to Eagle Ranch Pistachio Farm and Gift Shop where we all found items we couldn't live without. From there we drove to McGinn's Pistachio Tree Ranch and Country Store where I finally realized I hadn't taken my camera out of my purse so we took several pictures while there. Two hours of this about wore us out so we drove further north to Tularosa for lunch at Casa de Sueños, a favorite Mexican food restaurant in this area. We also celebrated Rosa's birthday serenading her with our kazoos.
L to R: Jean, talking Cowpoke and Donna at McGinn's Pistachio Tree Ranch and Country Store |
Vice Queen Penny, Cowpoke and Margie |
Queen Ladybird Carla, Cowpoke and Margie |
Rosa and Donna at Casa de Sueños |
One of our newest members, Debra |
Margie and Debra |
Penny and Margie |
L to R: Rosa, Donna and Jean |
Our birthday girl, Rosa, with her complimentary flan from restaurant |
L to R: Penny, Margie, Debra, Carla, Rosa, Donna and Jean |
March 12, 2013
The First National Bank in Alamogordo, for the last 26 years, sponsors what they call the "Senior Prom" in appreciation of all the senior citizens in the area. This was our first time to attend so Doug and I dressed formally for the occasion not knowing that it had a 50's theme this year. There was plenty of good food, a great band and many fun people to interact with. The girls with the beverage carts gave better service than the airlines ever thought of. Everything was free and it was a first class event in every way including the great door prizes. Thanks a million to the First National Bank and their employees for making such a special night for us seniors! I believe it's safe to say that a good time was had by all.
Doug enjoys taking pictures before we leave for the event so here am I! |
Carla in prom regalia |
Doug and Carla ready for the prom |
Master of Ceremonies |
View of the event inside the Willie Estrada Civic Center |
Another random shot |
Two of the charming bank employees |
Carla at table |
Good friend, Jean, looking lovely as ever |
L to R: Jean, Carla and Bunny |
Good friend and line dancing cohort, Mildred |
Another "Jean" and she is our line dancing instructor at the Senior Center |
Not that Doug is prejudiced or anything, but here am I once again |
This is a father/son duo and they are terrific musicians |
Some of us tried out our new line dancing skills |
Bank employees seemed to have a delightful time too |
Another round of line dancing |
Thanks to Doug for the great photos.
This is all I have to say for now.