Sunday, May 26, 2013

New Mexico Road Runner Chapter RHS Shopping and Lunch Las Cruces, NM, Mother's Day

May 25, 2013

Original plans were to visit and explore the Valley of Fire. Too many members on vacation or otherwise involved and three of us showed up. Talking among ourselves, we decided to drive to Las Cruces for shopping and lunch. We went to a couple of malls in and out of many stores before we finally got too hungry to do anything else. At one mall, we discovered a photo booth and it so intrigued us, we decided to enter it and take our picture. We got very tickled trying to fit the three of us into this small photo booth, but we managed. The next problem was operating it. There were instructions but they were confusing (to us anyway). On top of this, we could see ourselves in this window. However, the actual camera was below this window and we kept looking at the wrong place. It was a fun experience and I laugh every time I view  the video. I think we are very brave Red Hatters to show this video that is most unflattering to us, but too funny not to share!

We wound up going to the Dublin Pub for lunch where we were waited on by a lovely gentleman who was kind enough to take our picture with my camera that I had been lugging around all day in my purse without even once taking it out to capture our shopping spree.

L to R: Monica, Carla and Darla after a delicious lunch

This is the fun video that we took in the photo booth at the Sears Mall in Las Cruces, New Mexico

Doug and I at Casa de Sueños in Tularosa, New Mexico for Mother's Day luncheon
 This is all I have to say for now.

Hondo Iris Farm and Gallery-NM Roadrunner Chapter RHS-Update on Oliver 23-B

May 26, 2013

On May 11, 2013, members of New Mexico Roadrunner Chapter of the Red Hat Society drove to Hondo, New Mexico to visit the Hondo Iris Farm and Gallery. The weather was perfect for the trip that takes about an hour and a half from Alamogordo, New Mexico. As you will see by the photos, the irises were not all blooming, but enough of them to get the flavor of the gardens. The setting is lovely overlooking a running brook with many trees reaching to the sky.

Inside, displayed in the gallery is wearing apparel in many lovely colors and hues of the desert. You will also find beautiful jewelry designed and created by Alice Warder Seely, a New Mexico artist of Anglo, Hispanic, and Native American descent. Alice is also the resident horticulturist and, along with the head gardener, is responsible for the Iris Farm and the landscaping. Alice is a painter, sculptor, and jewelry and textile designer. The gallery features her work along with the work of dozens of other craftspeople from around the world. Her lead-free pewter jewelry is hand made at Iris Farm Annex on Highway 70, at mile marker 286 (open Tuesday-Friday, 8-5 for free factory tours.) All jewelry is available, at both locations, at factory discount prices.

When we finished with our tour, we drove back to Ruidoso, New Mexico to Michelina's Italian Restaurant for lunch.

Tagged onto this outing is a trip the following Wednesday that Doug and I took to the Iris Farms. I enjoyed it so much that I wanted him to experience it too.

A sampling of the beautiful irises we saw
Some were just so unusual, I had to get close ups
L to R: Margie, Jean and Debra
Rosa with her camera at the ready
I am remiss in not getting the names of these fabulous irises
A golden beauty, for sure
The varieties are just endless
Purple and delicately formed
We couldn't figure out if pooh cat was pregnant or just a bit tubby
God smiled and sent us this beautiful Western Tanager with a lovely song
This is the male. They nest in mountainous areas in coniferous or mixed woods across western North America and they winter in Central Mexico to Costa Rica

L to R: Lu, Penny and Margie
Carla aka Queen Ladybird presenting Rosa with our first One Eyed, One Horned, Flying Purple People Eater Award for outstanding contributions to the success of our chapter. This is a monthly award so who knows who will get him next?
L to R: Margie, Penny and Darla perusing the menu at Michelina's
L to R: Jean, Lu, Rosa and Debra ready to eat some great Italian food
Margie and Penny
May 15, 2013

Doug and I drove to Hondo to the Iris Farms and the Jewelry Annex in Hondo. We also made some stops along the way to photograph interesting sites.

Here am I at the entrance to Hondo Iris Farm
They don't just have irises, but many other plants and these odd looking "Pine Cone Cactus" caught my eye. I know what I thought when first seeing them. I'll leave it up to your imagination!
Not sure what these are called, but the purple attracted me
Flapjack Kolanche
A shot of the Gallery filled with beautiful art and clothing
A lovely little brook running though the gardens
Random view of the grounds
Yet another view. The tin donkey is really quite large
An old defunct church next door to the Iris Farms
We went the wrong direction when leaving and spotted these Mule Deer in the woods. He seems to be saying, "No, look over to your right."
"Yes, Dear. Now I see the humans."
And baby makes three
Down the road in San Patricio is this lovely old Catholic Mission
This is so typically New Mexican
These unusual flowers are known as "Torch Lily" or "Red Hot Poker" and in many areas of the world, these are considered invasive and called weeds
Doug and I shared photography credits on this report. Thanks, Doug for all you do.

I have an Ollie update for you. Doug created the first area of the tongue section and it was quite an engineering job. He did a considerable amount of research and we had to drive to Las Cruces to get the wood for this project. I do believe Ollie is "Museum Ready" for her public.

Here's Ollie ready for her public viewing
This is all I have to say for now.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Red Hat Society Southern Hospitalitea Convention in Atlanta, Georgia

April 24-28, 2013

After completing our packing the night before, Doug and I arise this morning, get ready, eat fruit and Cherrios along with drinking our morning cup of coffee and head out to El Paso, Texas. We love our small town, Alamogordo, New Mexico. However, to fly anywhere, we must first drive 90 miles to El Paso. We arrive timely, get through all the rigmarole at the airport and board our Southwest flight heading firstly to Dallas, Texas where we change planes. We have now been up since 3:00 a.m. MDT. Our flight takes us to Houston where we just land to allow people to deplane and others to board. Now, we truly are heading to Atlanta for the Red Hat Society Hospitalitea Convention. We arrive in Atlanta at 7:30 p.m. EDT. We get into a cab after retrieving our luggage and head to the Atlanta Marriott Marquis Hotel. On getting to our room, we unpack, freshen up and get a bite to eat at a restaurant in the hotel. Exhausted, we fall into bed at 9:30 p.m.

Thursday morning, April 25, 2013, I have a pool splash party to attend hosted by Queen Joann Miller of the Bionic Babes chapter from Reston, Virginia. It is a fun time, especially because the pool is heated and it is quite cool in Atlanta this time of morning. I make new friends and we have a grand time. I return to our room to change clothes before boarding a bus taking us to Georgia Aquarium for a gourmet luncheon celebrating the Red Hat Society 15th Anniversary. This is a world class aquarium and the dolphin show is excellent. Unfortunately, no photography allowed so no pictures of these beautiful creatures. It's back to the room after some shopping at the Hat District for a costume change to attend the Queen Mother Board private dinner at Pitty Pat's Back Porch restaurant. Down home Southern cuisine and quite delicious.

Friday morning, April 26, 2013, I dress in my saloon girl costume and go to meet Empress Tara and several other Red Hatters from Miss Kitty's Social Club for breakfast and an update on this Red Hat chapter. The rest of the day is mine so after shopping in the Hat District, I return to the room, change into more casual Red Hat attire and Doug and I go exploring the area around the hotel. We find a lovely place to eat lunch, Max Lager's, and they too are celebrating their 15 years in business. There is a lot of statuary in Atlanta and we enjoy taking in the sights and sounds of this lovely city. Just before the "Low Tea" the National Red Hat Society Ambassadors gather for a Meet and Greet with Jo Eliot aka Lady Cranberry presiding.  Friday evening brings  the Opening Ceremonies and Welcome Dinner called a "Low Tea". For this event, I don purple overalls, a purple western shirt, a red sparkly cowboy hat and red sequined boots. I am located at Table 82 and hostesses for our table are Rhonda and Misty Garrett, a mother/daughter duo from Colorado. A dear friend, Queen Gwyn Kelley from Dallas, Texas is also at this table and we have a great time reconnecting. After dinner, I join many on the dance floor for line dancing.

Saturday morning, April 27, 2013, brings the Back Porch PJ Breakfast and this is one of the most looked forward to events. Yes, we really go to breakfast in our PJ's or some semblance thereof. Doug comes down with me just to photograph the interesting people and their costumes. I look like a bag lady because I'm carrying various bags with items in them for another event following on the heels of this one, Tea Cup and Saucer Exchange of which I am a hostess.  Guest speaker at the breakfast is author Victoria Wilcox reviewing her new book, titled " Inheritance" Book One, (Southern Son, The Saga of Doc Holiday). I buy her book and get her autograph. Afterward, Doug and I again have some free time to spend exploring and we return to Max Lager's for lunch. Time for another costume change, this one is a "High Tea" where we all dress in antebellum style ensembles and have our photos made with Exalted Queen Mother Sue Ellen Cooper and Vice Queen Linda Murphy of the Red Hat Society. After dinner, there is more dancing.

Sunday morning is check out time and I must miss the Farewell Glitz and Grits Breakfast because of having to be at the airport timely. It was a marvelous convention and I thoroughly enjoyed myself. In fact, I'm waiting for information on the convention next year in San Francisco so I can register for it.

Carla heading out for the splash party with the Bionic Babes chapter

L: Carla ready for Anniversary Luncheon R: Carla ready to go to Pitty Pat's Back Porch Restaurant for dinner
Carla in Saloon Girl costume ready to meet members of Miss Kitty's Social Club chapter
I would be remiss if I didn't include some photos of the hotel architecture
Another shot of this fabulous hotel
Red Hatters in the Hat District taking hat making lessons
Max Lager's is celebrating right along with us and the food is delicious
This is just one row of their brewing apparatus housed upstairs
Carla, ready for the "Low Tea" and some line dancing
Red Hatters have a romance going on with highly decorated Solo Cups, but this is the ultimate creation
Their Queen created these ensembles including purses that serve as saddle bags
Everyone figures out a way to attend and get around
My friend from Lewisville, Texas , Queen  Linda "Zoomy" Ward. See that decorated Solo Cup!
Carolyn Roche from Texas-Too cute!
Just look at Kathy Harrison's beautiful Solo Cups
Here am I with a group who came as miners. Imagination runs rampant in the Red Hat Society!
This is a group of "Hun E Boo Boo's"
Another long time Red Hatter from Houston, Texas
An excellent idea for displaying "15" years of Red Hatting
Our lovely hostesses at Table 82, Misty and Rhonda Garrett from Colorado
Two of our table mates, Linda Dye and Sema Henderson blowing lip whistles included in favors from our hostesses
Carla and Doug arriving at the PJ Breakfast. Do I look like a bag lady or what?  Photo by Red Hat Society official photographer, Doug Carraway
Bonnie Mitcchell just became an American Citizen the day before and we celebrated her
Carla's #82 table mates at the PJ Breakfast
Misty and Rhonda Garrett, our mother/daughter duo hostesses at table 82. They are Queens of their respective chapters and don't you just love their crowns! Very creative pair.
My friend from Dallas, Texas, Queen Gwyn Kelley of the W.O.M.B.A.T.S. chapter
My sister Ambassador from Albuquerque, New Mexico, Barbara Broussard
Another architectural shot of the 10th floor of the hotel
An outside view of the hotel. As you can see, it bows out from the bottom causing it to become known as the pregnant hotel.
A group of Red Hatters waiting for the elevator going to the PJ Breakfast
Carla with all her necessary little bags
Many Red Hatters come in matching costumes
Aren't they cute and colorful!
Aren't they a great looking group. That is Mary Stuart on the left. She's been Red Hatting from the very beginning!
On the right is Queen TooToo, our 2011-2012 Red Hatter of the Year
The gal on the right with the Tina Turner hair style is Shanda Taylor-Boyd, U.S. Army retired
Two lovely ladies ready for the "Formal High Tea" on Saturday evening
Carla, feeling every bit as elegant as Scarlett O'Hara
L to R: Exalted Queen Mother Sue Ellen Cooper, Carla and Vice Queen Linda Murphy
Ladies waiting to be photographed with our fearless leaders
Delightfully elegant in their vintage costumes!
A quick shot of the ball room filled with Red Hatters
A sea of Red Hatters in the hotel lobby
Queen TooToo in her outrageous hat box hat creation. Love it!
Brenda and my friend Gwyn again on the right
Red Hatter of the Year 2013-2014, Queen Mary Mims

Looking lovely as always, our table hostesses, Misty and Rhonda Garrett
Someone took one last shot as the evening ended
I apologize for not getting all the names of those photographed, but you know who you are. Hope you had as grand a time as I and are looking forward to San Francisco in August, 2014. Wonder what the theme will be?? Maybe "Sweet Sixteen"?

Doug and I shared the photographic honors this time. Thanks, Doug for your help.

This is all I have to say for now.