August 6, 2013
Linda Lopez reveals her plans to run for governor of New Mexico at the monthly meeting of the Democratic Party of Otero County (DPOC). She stated that New Mexico is number one in child hunger and number two in senior hunger. She hopes to change this by concentrating on whatever it takes to eradicate this sad situation.
She also said Governor Martinez has failed to promote small businesses in the state and a valid health care system as well. Martinez has concentrated on bringing in out-of-state businesses adding to the poor climate for small businesses.
"Eighty percent of our economy is based on small business," she said. "Sixty percent of those small business owners are female!"
She said Martinez is trying to block the Affordable Care Act. "There are roadblocks going up," she said.
Lopez ran for lieutenant governor in the last election. She currently serves as a state senator representing Albuquerque. She has served in this capacity for the past 17 years. She co-chairs the Interim Legislative Ethics Committee and serves as a member on three others.
She says she is a good fit to take on Martinez, "Hispana to Hispana," as she puts it. Lopez is a Hispanic woman so Martinez won't be able to claim, "Oh, poor me. I'm a woman and they are picking on me."
It was a long meeting because we were blessed with several speakers including Nate Cote who gave an update on happenings in Chapparal; Cornelia Lang giving an update on the campaign of Leslie Singh who is running against Steve Pearce; Stephanie DuBois speaking about the annual Labor Breakfast; Nola Jones Scholarship winners Michelle Blumenthal and Shara Shinabery with the latter reading the essay she submitted. Many of us enjoyed the good food at Sunset Run Restaurant before the meeting.
L to R: DPOC Chair Nadia Sikes introducing Senator Linda Lopez and Wayne McDonald, owner of Sunset Run Restaurant , looking on and applauding |
Senator Linda Lopez, speaking on the campaign trail |
Former Mayor Steve Brockett presents a photo of Sierra Blanca to Senator Lopez |
Senator Lopez saying, "Thank you. This will hang in my office in Santa Fe." |
Nick Cote giving an update on various topics including Chapparal |
Cornelia Lang, Leslie Singh's campaign manager, giving an update on Leslie's progress in her campaign for U.S. Representative from the State of New Mexico. |
Stephanie DuBois inviting everyone to attend the Labor Breakfast at Margo's on Saturday morning, August 31 |
DPOC Chair Nadia Sikes presenting Shara Shinabery with her scholarship |
Shara Shinabery presenting her essay that won a Nola Jones Scholarship |
Nadia Sikes presenting a Nola Jones Scholarship to Michelle Blumenthal |
Carla Kerr making a plea for DPOC to donate and/or man a team for Relay for Life |
A group of our loyal Democrats dining and conversing |
Judy Pingel, DPOC Treasurer and Dr. Garcia from NMSU |
Front to Back: Nate Cote, "Doc" DuBois and his daugher, Stephanie |
Some of our loyal mountain Democrats |
DPOC secretary Liz and Tristan, DPOC vice-chair |
You know I just had to have a picture made with the next governor of New Mexico! |
Senator Lopez speaks well, is impressive, has a great resume, is a single mom who struggled to get her education and works for the good of the people. We wish her well in her campaign.
Thanks Doug for the great pictures.
This is all I have to say for now.
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