Friday and Saturday, April 24-25, 2015
The Red Hat Society's 17th birthday was celebrated in fine style, hosted by the Queens' Council of Las Cruces, New Mexico in the San Rafael Room of the Hotel Encanto de Las Cruces. On Friday many Red Hatters enjoyed shopping with Red Hat Vendors and then going to an informal get-together in the Azul Bar in the hotel.
My friend and sister Red Hatter Donna Williams and I arrived from Alamogordo, New Mexico around 2:00 p.m., checked in and got things settled in our room. We then went down to the lobby where we enjoyed a leisurely lunch at Gardunos Restaurant and we thought this called for margaritas, of course.
We met several other Red Hatters including Queen Rene Williams of the BAAD Hatters from El Paso, Texas and others of her chapter (she had several members come with her). In the meantime, the vendors had been setting up their wares and it was time to do some serious shopping (shopping is the official sport of the Red Hat Society). Donna bought a lovely three-piece blingy pant suit she couldn't live without along with some jewelry and various other items. I bought some items for my members who are having birthdays in May (there are five birthdays in the month of May in our chapter) and also some pieces of jewelry including a darling red bracelet that actually fits my small wrist.
A number of us attended the get-together in the Azul Lounge for wine and entertainment. They had an excellent band and several of us set the dance floor alive with our gyrations. Then it was time to rest up for Saturday and the big celebration.
Donna and I ate breakfast in Gardunos Restaurant and we chose the Continental Breakfast which was quite tasty and filling. Much visiting took place from table to table and two of the BAAD Hatters from El Paso joined us for breakfast.
Then, it was time to shop again, of which we certainly did our share. Registration for the luncheon began at 10:00 a.m. and the Birthday Party began. We played a "Getting to Know You" game where each one receives a card with nine squares with descriptions printed in each square such as: Has broken a window; Has ridden an elephant; Doesn't like chocolate, etc. We each had to find someone who had done these things or had these attributes or dislikes and get them to initial that square. The first one finished won a prize. It is a great ice-breaker!
Then, we played "Playing Card Bingo" where two people at the table each shuffle a deck of cards, divides them into 4 piles of 13 and each of the people on one side of the table get one set each and vice-verse on the other side. Each person divides their cards by suites and the caller on the microphone calls out the cards. If you have the one called you put in in a stack and so on until someone doesn't have any cards left and they win. We played this game for several rounds and everyone seemed to enjoy it.
There were raffle tickets to buy for some lovely items as well as door prizes contributed by the vendors and the Queens' Council. Donna and I weren't lucky this time, but look out next year!
We had a very tasty lunch of chicken in a delicious sauce, asparagus, salad, potatoes and a dessert that resembled a cupcake, but wasn't and it was quite good. They had the best rolls I've eaten anywhere and plenty of ice tea and coffee. There were many rounds of "Happy Birthday" sung from various areas of the room as we celebrated the Red Hat Society 17th Birthday.
We were beautifully entertained by a local singing group "Young at Heart" and they were excellent. They sang songs from the 1920's which most of us knew and could sing along. This is a group of mostly senior citizens who love music and enjoy entertaining at nursing homes and such for the sheer joy of giving smiles and stirring the memories of their audiences.
All too soon it was time to head back to Alamogordo, but we had a marvelous time and are looking forward to next year when the Red Hat Society turns 18!
Thanks so much to the Queens' Council of Las Cruces for hosting a lovely event. The decorations were delightful and we had a great time getting acquainted with our sister Red Hatters.
Queen Ladybird (Carla K.) and Donna Williams enjoying lunch at Gardunos in Hotel Encanto |
Donna Williams and Carla Kerr are in the middle. The rest of these Red Hatters are members of BADD Hatters of El Paso, Texas |
These Red Hatters are members of Betty Boop Red Hatters and Queen Kathy Crenshaw is on the right |
Queen Rene Williams (Right) really is celebrating her birthday this month |
Donna Williams sporting some of her new jewelry and looking lovely |
Room shot: Isn't this a colorful group of Red Hatters! |
Another room shot |
We were pleased to see some Pink Hatters in attendance |
Looks like a gab fest to us |
This group of Red Hatters even thought to bring party hats and they were super |
This group is trying to solve the different kinds of cake contest |
Elegance personified! |
These ladies are members of BAAD Hatters of El Paso, Texas |
More BAAD Hatters from El Paso |
The last of the BAAD Hatters from El Paso |
Some of the Queens' Council members |
Queen Kathy Crenshaw of Betty Boop Red Hatters with one of her chapter sisters |
L to R: Donna Williams, Queen Rene Williams and Queen Ladybird (Carla K.) |
Two ladies getting ready to do the Charleston |
Soloist with the "Young at Heart" group and also a Senior Olympic Medal winner |
The "Young at Heart" singers entertainment and they were great |
Queen Kathy Crenshaw |
Carla Kerr and Donna Williams. It's time to go home, but we'll be back next year | |
I do apologize for not getting or remembering all the names, but at least you get the idea from the pictures that a good time was had by all.
This is all I have to say for now.